
La cucina regionale italiana guarda al futuro con ottimismo. Con giustificato ottimismo. Per questo il sodalizio Ristoranti Regionali – Cucina DOC (, associazione che da vari lustri, si occupa della valorizzazione di questo patrimonio di cultura materiale, ha dato il via ad un nuovo capitolo della sua storia iniziata nel 1974. Dopo oltre quarant’anni di attività il sodalizio si è costituito associazione no profit, per...

Janine Saine visite actuellement la Sardaigne, cette grosse île située au sud de la Corse et au nord-ouest de la Sicile. Italienne c’est certain, mais si différente du continent. La nature y est encore très sauvage, avec une prolifération de fleurs et d’oiseaux qui envahissent des collines en surplomb de la mer Méditerranée à l’ouest, et Tyrrhénienne à l’est. Janine a visité les producteurs Sella & Mosca, Cantina Santa Maria La Palma et Cantina La Mesa. Elle partage avec nous quelques vues époustouflantes de paysages grandioses ainsi que des vignobles marqués par l’effervescence de la vendange. Nous lirons ses impressions dans l'édition...

At one o'clock in the afternoon on a December day in Alghero, Sardinia, I was staving off jet lag in the most sensible way: eating tiny shrimp, mussels, razor clams, calamari and fried moray eel in La Boqueria, the city's fish market, while drinking a sparkling Vermentino di Sardegna called Akènta. The fishmongers' stalls were already being washed down, having sold all the seafood brought in early that morning. But on the premises is a tiny trattoria with a blackboard menu of the day's offerings, and by the end of this midday meal, I felt as happy and effervescent as the...

One of the best things about living in the world of wine is that there is always something new and exciting to discover. And ‘change’ is always in the air! The wine trade is always about “trends” – wine is fashion, after all. Just think – only a matter of decades ago, sweet German Riesling sold for much more money than the finest Champagne. The trend now, according to both Wine Intelligence and the Wine Market Council, is that consumers are eager to discover wines from new and exciting regions in the world. Right now, the concept of “island wine” is cool. You’ve probably...

At one o’clock in the afternoon on a December day in Alghero, Sardinia, I was staving off jet lag in the most sensible way: eating tiny shrimp, mussels, razor clams, calamari and fried moray eel in La Boqueria, the city’s fish market, while drinking a sparkling Vermentino di Sardegna called Akènta. The fishmongers’ stalls were already being washed down, having sold all the seafood brought in early that morning.  But on the premises is a tiny trattoria with a blackboard menu of the day’s offerings, and by the end of this midday meal, I felt as happy and effervescent as the...

One of the best things about living in the world of wine is that there is always something new and exciting to discover. And ‘change’ is always in the air! The wine trade is always about “trends” – wine is fashion, after all. Just think – only a matter of decades ago, sweet German Riesling sold for much more money than the finest Champagne. The trend now, according to both Wine Intelligence and the Wine Market Council, is that consumers are eager to discover wines from new and exciting regions in the world. Right now, the concept of “island wine” is cool. You’ve probably already tasted...