
Saturday 21st July 2018 our Akènta Sub sparkling wine will reemerge from the sea, after months at about 40 meters of depth. For the occasion we prepared a special day, with the show of the emergence of the underwater cellar, many tastings and special menus in the historic center of Alghero and moments of music and pure fun. You are ready?   EMERSION: EMERSION PARTY Saturday 21st July from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm   Departure from Alghero port at 10 o'clock; Welcome kit to all participants (bracelets, T-shirts, hats) Approaching the area of ​​Punta Giglio Start of observation of the preparation stages of the divers Around 11:30 am, arrival of...

Good news for the Santa Maria La Palma Winery: the Vermentino di Sardegna DOC Papiri 2017, one of the company's leading white wines, produced by some of the historic vineyards of the Alghero area, planted and cultivated facing the sea, received a prestigious Silver medal in the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, an important and prestigious wine review that has been awarding quality wines from all over the world for over 20 years.   At the event, held for the first time in China, took part the best wineries from all over the world, whose wines have been tasted and evaluated by a...

Alghero is the true soul of Sardinia: word of Forbes, one of the most famous newspapers in the world. The magazine has dedicated a special to Sardinia and to the beauties and excellences of the Catalan city. Here, we are here: our winery and our wines have impressed the author, who cites the different types of wine produced (Cannonau, Vermentino di Sardegna, Monica di Sardegna) and focuses on the work of our members and on the underwater cellar where the Akènta Sub is refined. Short extract from the article: Sardinian winemaking has very fast, I know a visit to the modern cooperative of 326...

L’Akènta Sub della Cantina Santa Maria La Palma è il primo Vermentino DOC italiano affinato sott’acqua a ottenere il prestigioso punteggio, sulla scia di un interesse internazionale sempre più marcato L’Akènta Sub è il primo vino Vermentino DOC italiano affinato sott’acqua a ottenere il punteggio di 88/100 su Wine Spectator, uno dei più autorevoli siti di settore, considerato una vera “Bibbia del vino”. La giuria di Wine Spectactor dopo aver degustato l’Akènta Sub della Cantina Santa Maria La Palma ha inserito all’interno della rubrica “Tasting Note” il seguente giudizio: “Una vivace spina dorsale di acidità è ben intrecciata con i sentori di...

The Santa Maria La Palma Winery receives a new international award: the Cannonau Riserva 2014 won the prestigious Gold Medal in the Berliner Wein Trophy 2018 competition. The Berliner Wein Trophy is Germany's largest and most important international wine tasting. This year a jury of about 200 experts, gathered in Berlin Tegal, tasted about 6,700 different labels, classifying them and selecting those deserving of particular awards. On the basis of the restrictive guidelines of the OIV (International Organization for Vine and Wine, the body that monitors the event), only 30% of the products presented can be awarded a medal. The Cannonau Riserva...

The Aragosta Wine, one of the most representative products of Alghero and Sardinia, looks to the future evolving and relaunching the city of Alghero in its new role. The line of Aragosta wines evolves, looking to the future to embrace the taste of users and wine lovers. During a crowded presentation with over 300 presences, including local institutions, the management of the Santa Maria La Palma Winery together with its partners unveiled the new Aragosta wine: a more modern bottle, with a new label and a taste still more refined and evolved, to keep up with the times and always look forward. Alghero's...

The Aragosta Wine line, one of the most representative products of Alghero and Sardinia, has conquered the jury of the Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards. The Aragosta Wine of Alghero speaks Japanese. The popular wine produced by the Santa Maria La Palma winery has won three important awards at the Sakura Japan Women's Wine Awards 2018, one of the most important international competitions in the sector. The award is very special in its kind because one of the few events managed exclusively by a totally female jury, including experts, senior sommeliers, wine advisors and journalists. Lobster Vermentino and Sparkling Lobster received a Silver...

We present the new born in the Santa Maria La Palma Winery: it is the Aragosta Rosè Brut, a pale pink wine with coppery reflections A special wine, of a pale pink color with coppery reflections, with a fresh and velvety flavor and delicate scents of wild strawberries and cherries that are bound to decisive and intense floral notes. In the mouth it is sapid, fresh and velvety, with a fine and persistent perlage. The Aragosta Rosé Brut represents our territory in a modern and intriguing key: a new wine that re-proposes a historical label, to best celebrate the tradition of the...

Venerdì 15 dicembre dalle ore 18.00 nella sala conferenze della Cantina Santa Maria La Palma si terrà la presentazione del libro "Un secolo di bonifica umana", curato dal professor Antonio Farris, Stefano Tedde e altri autori. Il libro analizza la storia agraria del territorio della Nurra di Alghero attraverso i piani di bonifica civile e il complesso iter insediativo delle due storiche colonie penali (Cuguttu e Tramariglio) di questo spicchio di Sardegna, raccontando un secolo di progetti, modifiche e storie di persone e imprenditori. La presentazione del libro sarà un’occasione per discutere dell'evoluzione della Nurra di Alghero, delle scelte fatte in passato...

Santa Maria La Palma Winery, San Giuliano Oil and La Corallina Jewelery together, for an evening and a special dinner hosted by the Le Pinnette Country Restaurant, a few km from the village of Santa Maria La Palma. A dinner that will involve some of the excellence of the territory of Alghero and will unite wine, oil, coral, food and typical products, history and future.   APERITIFT AND EXPOSURE Everything will start with an aperitif, during which it will be possible to observe part of the installation Akènta Sub and Corallo di Alghero exhibited in Paris at the UNESCO site for the candidacy of...